To place a value on a claim/case we must determine several issues:
Each claim is unique. Some cases resolve in several months, other cases can take years. The answer will depend on the individual circumstances surrounding your case.
Definitely. If you fail to provide your doctor with an accurate and detailed medical history, a defense attorney may attack your credibility as well as strike your doctor’s testimony at trial.
Who can I speak to about my claim?
Although it is human nature for people to discuss their case with friends, neighbors and relatives, I cannot overemphasize the need for you to avoid discussing specifics about your case.
It is essential that you DO NOT SPEAK with anyone regarding your claim; refer them to your attorney’s office.
You should contact an attorney as soon as possible. The first several days following your accident are crucial to collect and preserve evidence. During this time, the guidance of an experienced attorney can assure your rights are protected.