As you enjoy riding your motorcycle, it’s important to keep safe. Motorcycles are more dangerous than cars. In fact, research has shown that you are 30 times more likely to die in a motorcycle crash than a car. Still, many people enjoy a lifetime of riding with no injuries. The key is to remain safe in order to reduce your odds of being involved in a collision. We’ll show you how to avoid common motorcycle accidents below.
Get antilock brakes
Motorcycles that have antilock brakes are less likely to be involved in a fatal crash than those without. The brakes are designed to ensure the rider retains steering control during an emergency stop. These brakes are especially efficient when riding in slippery conditions. It’s an inbuilt feature in most high-end bikes. You can even get lower insurance premiums on your motorcycle by investing in antilock brakes. It’s a worthwhile investment to enhance your safety.
Go for motorcycle riding courses
Learn the basics as well as advanced skills in motorcycle safety riding to hone your skills. Taking safety courses may also make you be eligible for an insurance discount. There are courses designed to help you learn how to perform evasive emergency maneuvers when you need it. This kind of knowledge can be a life-saver.
Always wear a helmet
Riding without a helmet puts you at risk of a fatal head injury or brain injuries if you are involved in a crash. You should never go against helmet laws. Whether it means spending more money on a high-quality helmet that fits well, make sure you always have the right gear before you set out to ride. The best helmets are strong, lightweight, comfortable and are designed to reduce wind noise. Your helmet needs to be replaced every 5 years or sooner if it has experienced any form of damage or you’ve been involved in a crash.
Be extra alert
Most motorcycle accidents occur mainly because the car driver was at fault. This means you need to stay alert when riding. The car driver who is texting or using the phone behind the wheel may not see you. It’s up to you to keep an eye out for cars just in case they change lanes abruptly or pull out from the side street. It’s important to keep a safe following distance as well so that you have adequate time to react in case of an emergency.
Don’t ride during bad weather
When it rains, riding your motorcycle becomes twice as hard mainly because of poor visibility and the slippery roads. If you really need to ride when the weather is extremely bad, be extra careful. Ensure you have the visible gear and your brakes are in good working order.
Watch out for obstacles on the road
Motorcycles can easily slide because of wet leaves, sand and pebbles on the road. Bumps and potholes can also pose some serious damage when riding. You need to try and avoid them and slow down when you encounter these road hazards to reduce the chances of a skid.